Five Things Friday 2.27.15

sunset 2source

Happy Friday! It’s the end of the week and the end of the month and it feels good to put February behind me. This week, honestly, kicked my ass. How about you? I really hope that your week was filled with good things such as great workouts, your favorite people, and hopefully some good food too. But if this week was rough for you too, you’re not alone. As the saying goes, every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day. I tried to keep this in mind each day and here is what was good in my week:

1. Longer days-The sun setting around 6 pm this week and rising much earlier was such a blessing. It’s been awesome having a bit more sunlight each day. It keeps me hopeful for warmer days ahead and hopefully a fresh perspective on life.

2. Lunch-A random one but after working my morning shift at work, I’m usually hungry and this has been my go-to lunch for weeks. I’m not getting tired of it and it leaves me feeling full for hours! Quinoa, baked sweet potato wedges, avocado, chia seeds/sunflower seeds/walnuts (whatever is on hand), feta/goat cheese, and mix it with 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar, maple syrup, dijon mustard, and 2-3 tbsp. olive oil. It’s delicious!

3. Massage-I was lucky enough to be treated to a massage and it was something I looked forward to every day. I very much appreciated sixty minutes of relaxation and quiet.

4. 20 days until San Diego-Exploring a new city, eating good food, being outside, spending time with my favorite guy, and enjoying the sun. Can’t wait!

5. This weekend-I get to see both of my sisters and reunite with a couple friends whom I haven’t seen in months. I’m looking forward to lots of laughs, life updates, and talking for hours.

Favorite Links:

 Top 10 Ways To Be Kind To Yourself

The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself-And All The Women Around You

60 Must-Read Health, Fitness, and Happiness Blogs for 2015

Expert in a Year-Oh my goodness, I loved this! The video of this guy playing table tennis every day for a year is inspiring and motivating to keep putting in the work. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you are determined, committed, and work really hard. You can be good at anything-and that is a perfect thought for a Friday. 🙂

What five things made your week great? I hope you have an awesome weekend!

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