Five Things Friday 8.28.15


Hey guys! Happy last Friday of August! How did your week go? It sure felt like fall was in the air this week and it didn’t seem like anyone was in opposition. What about you? Like I said before, I’m not quite ready to let go of summer yet. But I have been loving not running the AC, opening up the windows and doors, and letting the cool breeze flood into the apartment. Days are getting so much shorter and I’ve been noticing it the most on my drive home from work. What once was a drive with the sun setting in my rear view mirror has now turned into a drive in twilight and soon darkness.  Have you noticed that also? This week passed so quickly! I struggled with a lot of frustrations and let them get the best of me. However, there was plenty of good in the week too. Here are my top 5:

1.Doing a crazy workout with Tom-He decided we should do a workout that was a bit out-of-the-box and do some movements we don’t typically do. A 200 meter sled drag, tire flips and jump overs, and sled pulls and pushes were on the agenda. It was long and miserable. I can honestly say that I was cursing his name during it but I’m always so thankful for how he pushes me and encourages me. It was great to try some movements I wasn’t very familiar with and to spend time with each other doing something we love.

2. Lacing up the running shoes and exploring a trail I’ve been wanting to check out for awhile now. It was a breezy, cool day and it felt refreshing to shake off a restless night sleep and take in some fresh air. Getting outside never fails to perk me up. 🙂

3. Having time to work on some other projects, cook a meal, bake cookies, run errands without being in a rush, and take some deep breaths. Not all weeks allow you to do that and I was thankful I was able to have that time yesterday.

4. Seeing progress in others and watching how incorporating activity into one’s day can bring about incredible changes in other areas of life. It’s cool to be a small part of that for someone.

5. Looking forward to some much needed sister time this weekend. We don’t get to see each other as much as we used to and making time for each other requires some planning. I’m lucky that I have two sisters who make it a priority as much as I do!

Must-read this week:

5 Ways to Create a Life You Love Without Making A Major Life Change-#4 and #5 are ones I need the most work on. What about you?

Recipes of the week:

Raspberry Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Zucchini Brownies-These look soo good.

Salted Vanilla Honey Peanut Butter-So simple. Must make this.

Paleo Chocolate Chip Coconut Banana Bread-Cooler weather inspires baking. This will happen.

I hope you have an awesome, fun-filled, and relaxing weekend!

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